Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Exercise Tips

There are a variety of activities especially in Utah that can be considered “exercise”. Exercise can be anything from swimming, biking/cycling, jogging, skiing, tennis, to dancing and walking. The list is endless. The important thing about exercising is finding something that you enjoy and works for YOU!

Find what works for YOU!
In my own life, I have discovered that going to the gym and just working out on my own is not as effective for me as going to an exercise class at the gym. I really enjoy the classes and I am more motivated to go. I also believe I get an overall better workout. Now just because that is what works best for me doesn’t mean it is what is best for someone else. The important thing is to find what DOES work for YOU!

Don’t Give Up!
You may have to try out various forms of exercise and different routines to find what works for you personally. Don’t give up or get discouraged if your planned exercise regimen fails. Try something different and continue to try new things until you find what works.

When figuring out an exercise plan that works for you make sure you have enough variety in your exercise routine that you won’t get bored. Variety is also important because our bodies are very good at adaptation. If we do the same thing over and over again our body gets used to it and we aren’t getting the same benefit we did when we first started. Adding variety helps to continuously push our bodies to its limits and in doing so makes us stronger. Variety can come in many forms: doing more repetitions, adding more weight, increasing the length of time, changing the type of exercise completely.

Other Great Exercise Tips:
• Wear comfortable, properly fitted footwear and comfortable, loose-fitting clothing appropriate for the weather and the activity.
• Find a convenient time and place to do activities. Try to make it a habit, but be flexible. If you miss an exercise opportunity, work activity into your day another way.
• Use music to keep you entertained.
• Surround yourself with supportive people. Decide what kind of support you need. Do you want them to remind you to exercise? Ask about your progress? Participate with you regularly or occasionally? Allow you time to exercise by yourself? Go with you to a special event, such as a 10K walk/run? Be understanding when you get up early to exercise? Spend time with the children while you exercise? Try not to ask you to change your exercise routine? Share your activity time with others. Make a date with a family member, friend or co-worker. Be an active role model for your children.
• Don't overdo it. Do low- to moderate-level activities, especially at first. You can slowly increase the duration and intensity of your activities as you become more fit. Over time, work up to exercising on most days of the week for 30-60 minutes.
• Keep a record of your activities. Reward yourself at special milestones. Nothing motivates like success!

Exercise Tips from the American Heart Association

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