Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Exercise Ball and Bosu Balls

Have you ever used a Exercise Ball or Bosu Ball?

These two wonderful pieces of equipment are simple, lightweight and provide a large variety of different exercises. These little tools a not only great for strengthening and toning your core muscles but all muscle groups. They are also very effective in improving balance. Another benefit of using a exercise ball and or bosu ball is that the are low impact, meaning they are easy of joints and bones but also provides great results. You can work all major muscle groups using a exercise ball or bosu ball.
Bosu balls in particular are great because you get a lot the same benefits as you would using an exercise ball but you have a little more stability because it has one side that is flat. Another amazing thing about using a bosu is that you can use the bosu to do a lot of the same exercises you can do on an aerboic step bench. I love the bosu ball because it is easier on joints, bones, and feet than a tradional step bench. It is also great for increasing balance. The bosu ball can also be turned over so the flat side is up and you can do an additional variety of exercises that can continue to build muscle and increase stability.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The BeWise Program

The BeWise Program is a grant funded program that provides FREE cardiovascular risk screenings and lifestyle coaching to women ages 50-64 that meet certain income guidelines. The BeWise program is available in a variety of locations throughout the state of Utah but this blog will be managed by the Salt Lake Valley Health Department.

This blog will provide a variety of health tips for women in the BeWise Program to acheive their health goals.